In more recent versions of Windows (version 7 onwards) it is common to be prevented from downloading any files into the 'Program Files' folder, and even if you overcome this by running 'as administrator', problems will occur later. It is strongly recommended that the BugsXLA files be extracted to a folder immediately beneath the root C: directory, e.g. C:\BugsXLA7. You may also encounter annoying error messages on running WinBUGS if this package is located beneath the 'Program Files' folder. My solution is to save WinBUGS to C:\WinBUGS14. OpenBUGS does not appear to have this problem.

Click here for a brief list of the new features and bugs fixes since v6.0.

I would very much welcome feedback on any bugs, errors or other issues you might have with this version. Please read the troubleshooting page before downloading.

It is strongly recommended that the BugsXLA files be extracted to C:\BugsXLA7.

Download BugsXLA v7.021

These are compressed .7z files which are extractable using the free to download 7-Zip software, as well as some other compression applications such as WinZip.

This version is made available in case one wishes to reproduce the results in the book exactly. It is recommended that these BugsXLA files be extracted to C:\BugsXLA5.

Download BugsXLA v5.0

Click here for a brief list of the new features and bugs fixes between v5.0 and v6.0.

The files can be downloaded in .zip format: Version 7 and Version 5
Be warned: Microsoft's default setting is to be very cautious with .zip files, and so you may be prompted to enable macros everytime you use BugsXLA.

If you do download BugsXLA, I would be very grateful if you would send me a brief email with the following information:

Subsequent to you using BugsXLA, further information would be of interest, eg whether you found the program useful, suggestions for improvements and notification of any bugs. I promise I will not pass on your email address.

Please consider joining the BugsXLA Google Group where users can share their experience, raise issues and offer solutions. In future I will post my responses to queries there, as well as keeping users aware of any further work on the program.