Version 7.02 MAJOR NEW FEATURES 1) Option to use JAGS 2) Negative Binomial error distribution added MINOR NEW FEATURES 1) Able to change credible limits shown in summary tables via new PostPlot feature. 2) When loading previous model the prior and MCMC settings are loaded, not just the model terms. 3) Also, model checks and predictions cleared when loading previous model. 4) Able to make predictions when only constant in the model. 5) Location of saved files displayed on output sheet. 6) Better naming convention for any additional sheets created, and these displayed on output sheet. 7) Multiple chains summarised instead of only first (still recommend use 1 chain once convergence assured) 8) Better formatting of prediction numeric labels. 9) Various improvements to R scripts, notably improved EDA. 10) Able to import predictions and contrasts on link scale (useful for predictive-prior distributions) 11) Zero Inflated parameter added to Binomial, Poisson and Negative Binomial models. 12) Able to plot histograms of many model checking functions using Post Plot utility. 13) File path length only restricted when using WinBUGS (not fully tested for OpenBUGS or JAGS yet) 15) Able to include offset term in Binomial models. 16) New icons for launching some of the applications (prompted by Office upgrade that made old icons disappear) 17) MC error included in annotated comment for posterior mean 18) Posterior plots of predictions not dynamically linked to credible intervals (v7.02) 19) Posterior samples saved to sheet via array rather than cell by cell: x50 faster (v7.02) 20) Z.eff (random factor effects) inits linked to magnitude of hyper.Z inits (v7.02) 21) MC convergence Z diagnostic added (v7.02) 22) Wishart prior for UN model can be altered with constraints (v7.02) 23) Various improvements to the help text. BUG FIXES 1) Forced importing of percentiles and median to prevent errors when these are absent. 2) Warning message, instead of aborted importing, when samples requested for parameters not in the model. 3) Program failure when 64bit MS software being used eg 'Compile error in hidden module: BrowseForFolder' (solution provided by Xie Shaoming) 4) Program failure when Excel sheet containing data had invalid path. 5) Incorrect contrast calculation for ordinal/ordered categorical data. 6) Incorrect coding of carryover covariate in Inhaler ordinal dataset. 7) Allow 'NA' when exporting data array. 8) Fix potential for invalid initial values for AR1 phi parameter. 9) Error in OpenBUGS script template 10) Error when importing results generated from user-defined OpenBUGS script 11) Error when fixed factor model has expanded terms in different order to how variables are parsed, e.g. A*B + C (v7.01) 12) Error when data added to plot of Predicted Odds (v7.02)